Home Facial Care DIY Homemade Winter Night Cream For The Face

DIY Homemade Winter Night Cream For The Face

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Protect your skin from the harshness of the winters by DIYing a homemade winter night cream for the face with natural ingredients!

Winters are right here and its the time of the year when your skin needs extra pampering. Winters are the cozy seasons but, it’s not that good season for our skin as it becomes dull and loses its moisture, in many severe cases it also becomes red, tender with a burning sensation. In worst cases our skin may even peel off, it’s all because of windburn, therefore, it is required to keep your skin hydrated.

Winter Night Cream For The Face1

Adding coconut, fish, almonds, carrots in diet can improve the skin gradually and are healthy for your body. Night creams can make wonders in keeping your face hydrated and glowing in winters. The cold creams that are available in the market are made of alcohol and chemicals that can be harsh on the skin and it will also not suit most skin types.

So, here is a homemade DIY winter night cream for the face free from all chemicals:

Ingredients Required:

  1. Rice or Rice Powder
  2.  Sugar or Sugar Powder
  3. Soaked Almonds
  4. Aloe vera Gel or Cucumber Gel
  5. Lemon Juice
  6. Essential  oil
  7. Tumeric



1. Take about 2 to 3 tablespoon of rice in a blender add 1 tablespoon of sugar (more sugar for dry skin and less for oily skin). Add about 7-8 peeled almonds which are soaked overnight. Run the blender let the ingredients mix well in and form a smooth powder.

2. Take this powder in a pressure cooker and add 2 cups of water to it and leave this to heat for about 15 to 20 minutes in full flame.

3. Transfer this mixture to a bowl and add aloe vera or cucumber gel to it, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of essential oil and a pinch of turmeric to it.

4. Mix it well and strain it 8-10 times so that it is smooth and store in a container. this step is very important so that it doesn’t form any lumps.

5. (Optional) You can add Melted Beeswax to the mixture to improve the texture of the cream. Also, Vitamin E oil can be added if you have very dry skin.

How to apply

Winter Night Cream For The Face2

Wash your face and wipe it with a clean towel. Apply rose water on the dry face, let it get absorbed into your face. It will help in toning your face and keeps your face smooth. After your face is dry apply this cream all over your face except under your eyes and massage in upward motion gently and in a circular motion using your fingers after about 30 minutes you can go to sleep.

Why it works

Rice contains antioxidants that can heal the skin and remove breakouts. It also helps in removing hyperpigmentation and age spots.

Sugar absorbs moisture from the air and retains it in the skin, making your skin soft. It’s an excellent ingredient to add to our cream. Also read, 15 surprising alternative uses of Sugar.

Sugar In Winters

The Almonds are rich in vitamin E, proven to provide skin nourishment. They are also good at treating acne-related problems. Especially almond’s oil’s fatty acid content helps dissolve excess oil on the skin and can heal chapped and irritated skin. Vitamin A and retinoids content are quite high, proving beneficial in reducing the appearance of acne.

Aloe vera gel is great in removing the windburns and burning sensation from the skin, keeping the skin hydrated for a long time.

In this cream, Lemon acts as a natural preservative for storing the cream. It also helps lighten the hyperpigmentation and spots on the skin.

lemon for spots

Essential oils have great benefits for the skin it is also used so that the cream smells good. Here’s how you can make your own essential oil at home.

Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that provide a soothing effect on the skin. It provides glow and luster to the skin.

The night cream helps in blood circulation, sagging of the skin can be reduced, it helps in the growth of new cells. Make sure you apply the right quantity of cream, do not apply more cream it may clog the pores and make it difficult for the skin to breath.

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