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DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray | DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray Rubbing Alcohol

Just ran out of hand sanitizer? Know how to DIY hand sanitizer spray at home with rubbing alcohol and other readily available ingredients in this article.

DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray1

Preventing the spread of infection and viruses have become essential and vital during these crazy times. With the continuous use of hand sanitizers, you are bound to run out of the modern-day essential. Even more worrisome is the fact that sometimes the constant use of sanitizer leads to dry hands.
So, the ideal solution for this problem is to DIY hand sanitizer spray at home. Not only can you prevent the spread of viruses like Covid-19, but you can also add fragrances and ingredients that suit your skin in homemade sanitizers.

DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray

DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray2

You’ll Need


  1. Measure and add all the ingredients in a clean cup or container.
  2. Mix well with a whisk and pour the hand sanitizer into a spray bottle with a funnel’s help.
  3. After that, close the bottle and let the sanitizer sit for seventy-two hours. The process helps eliminate any bacteria that may have entered during the mixing process.
  4. To apply- spray the sanitizer all over your hands and rub vigorously.

The Importance of Each Ingredient

Rubbing Alcohol: Also known as isopropyl alcohol, rubbing alcohol in the sanitizer recipe helps kills the bacterias.

Glycerin: As alcohol dries out the hands, glycerin’s nourishing properties help keep your hands soft and moisturized.

Aloe Vera Gel: The natural ingredient creates a protective and healthy barrier on the skin that keeps your hands nourished and soft. The gel also prevents the onset of aging signs and wrinkles caused due to excess dryness.

Lavender Essential Oil: The essential oil adds a scent to your sanitizer recipe and masks the smell of the alcohol. In addition to that, the lavender essential oil has antibacterial properties that help kill germs and bacterias.

Other Antibacterial Essential Oils You Can Use in the Sanitizer

This hand sanitizer DIY is ideal for people staying at home and maintaining social distance from infected people. However, people working in the healthcare field are suggested to increase the volume of rubbing alcohol in the recipe and have atleast 70% alcohol in any sanitizer. For instance, in this recipe, the change would call for one cup of isopropyl alcohol and a quarter cup of glycerin for people working in the medical field.

To conclude, we would sum up with the fact that washing your hands is the best way to kill germs. However, it would be best if you kept a sanitizer bottle handy for occasions where you do not have access to water and soap or need to sanitize your hands while working.

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