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Can We Brush Our Teeth with Soap | What are Tooth Suds

Is there a better alternative to toothpaste or Can we brush our teeth with soap? Find the answer to these questions in the informative article!

The Egyptians invented the toothpaste around 5000 BC, however it is interesting to note that toothpaste was invented before toothbrushes!!

Toothpaste was formulated with different ingredients primarily to clean teeth and to ensure fresh breath. Historical evidence shows that burnt eggshells, ox hooves ashes with pumice, bark, crushed bones, and oyster shells were used as abrasive particles to clean teeth. The Romans added flavoring to mask bad breath while the Chinese experimented with adding ginseng, herbal mints, and salts to freshen breath.

After the widespread use of toothpowder until 1850, modern toothpaste was thereafter developed in the late 1800s. In 1873, Colgate started mass producing toothpaste in tubes.

Early toothpaste formulations contained soap as one of the ingredients for its cleaning properties. However, the soap was replaced by a compound called sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) in later years.

Fluoride containing toothpaste came into vogue in 1914 as it was shown to act against tooth decay. The present century has specially formulated toothpaste varieties to deal with various dental and cosmetic issues of the teeth like teeth whitening, teeth sensitivity, plaque, cavities, gum diseases, and bad breath.

Can We Brush Our Teeth with Soap?

Some toothpaste makers, in a bid to make their formulations unique, have fallen prey to using ingredients that are dubious in their efficacy and safety in the long term such as

Some people even think that simple brushing without toothpaste and rinsing with water is enough to keep our pearly whites clean and disease-free! Gerard F. Judd is credited with the tooth soap movement in his book publication ‘Good Teeth.’ Using gentle bar soaps to clean teeth is now emerging as a practical option.

Basic Ingredients in Soaps for Brushing

These soaps are called ‘Tooth suds”, but they have no typical soap taste, and it foams easily, so it is easy to use. You can just wet the bar, run your toothbrush on it and start brushing. You need to brush for 2 minutes and also need to brush your tongue. Some of the advantages of a tooth sud are:

The demineralization of teeth occurs daily. Bacteria break sugars present in our food and drink, and this process releases acids that attack and erode the tooth enamel. This leads to the formation of cavities and causes tooth decay.

Pure and natural olive oil-based soaps (Castile soaps) clean the teeth and allows saliva to neutralize the acids and naturally remineralize teeth with the phosphates, calcium, and iron present in food. Soaps create an alkaline environment in the mouth, and hence, remineralization occurs.

Benefits Of Using Tooth Suds

Comparison Between Soap And Toothpaste

1.Fluoride freeMost contain fluorides, which in excess cause fluorosis and can also cause brittle bones and Teeth, neurological dysfunction, and kidney damage.
2.Free of Sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS)Contain SLS that can cause canker sores.
3.No artificial sweeteners.Contain artificial sweeteners that upset the GI
System and have neurotoxic effects.
4.Triclosan banned in soaps.Many contain Triclosan which can cause
Reduced fertility and certain cancers.
5.No or negligible glycerin.Presence of glycerin which needs 27 rinses
Before it gets washed off. This also forms a film
Over teeth preventing bacteria from getting
washed off and also prevents remineralisation.
6.No abrasive ingredients.Contain abrasive ingredients like silica,
Quartz or aluminium by-products that irritate
7.Do not contain hydrogen peroxide.Does not contain hydrogen peroxide.
8.Teeth remain cleaner, and plaque-free for a longer time. Cleansing effects are milder and short term.
9.Less expensive and lasts longer.Comparatively not cost effective.
10.No after taste.Has a distinctive after taste.

Good rules you can follow while using soap for your teeth:

Homemade Tooth-Soap Recipe


Add all the ingredients in a blender and start mixing the solution until it becomes frothy. Take extra care while blending since you’ve added boiled water into it. Once the solution turns frothy, store it in a dispenser with a nozzle for easy use!

So, Can we brush our teeth with soap? Tooth suds are a great alternative to using a toothpaste that poses more harm to your teeth. Let us know your experience of using tooth suds!

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