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Yoga for Flat Belly in 1 Week | Best Yoga Poses and Exercises for Flat Tummy

Learn about 6 best yoga poses and exercises for a flat tummy in this article. Perform them regularly for desired results.

The key to reducing belly fat is to perform exercises and eat healthy regularly on a daily basis. Belly fat is one of the most stubborn fats that your body acquires. While belly fat collects easily, it’s a tough task to reduce its presence. A wrong lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise and high stress give rise to loose belly.

What is Belly Fat?

Belly fat is excess abdominal fat that surrounds the organs in your stomach area. There are three types of belly fat namely, triglycerides, subcutaneous fat, and visceral fat. Triglycerides are the fat that circulates in your body, subcutaneous fat is the layer below the skin’s surface, and visceral fat is the “dangerous belly fat.” Visceral fat is the belly fat located beneath the muscles in your stomach.

Why is Belly Fat Unhealthy?

Belly fat produces excess hormones and chemicals inside your body which in turn can have negative impacts on almost every organ of your body. Visceral fat can be very harmful to your health as it can cause serious health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer. If you wish to know whether your belly fat is unhealthy or not, you can measure it at home using a measuring tape. All you have to do is to wrap the measuring tape around your bare belly, directly above your hip bone. For women, if the measurement exceeds 35 inches, it’s an alarming sign for unhealthy belly fat. Whereas for men, it should not exceed 40 inches.

Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat

Regular exercises can help you a lot in getting that lean body in a few months. Half n hour of healthy aerobic exercise, yoga, jogging are all helpful options you should consider. Walking helps to burn a lot of belly fat too! Here are a few yoga asanas that you should perform daily to burn excess fat out of your body!

1. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

This pose helps in toning your stomach along with improving the overall posture of your body. It engages your abdomen, back, thighs, arms as well as chest. To perform this asana, follow these steps:

2. Uttanpadasana (Raised Foot Pose)

Do this pose to reduce fat from your lower abdomen, hips, and thighs. Belly fat that you gain during pregnancy is most effectively reduced with this pose in many cases. Follow the steps below:

3. Naukasana (Boat Pose)

This pose guarantees you a flatter tummy with regular practice. In fact, if you manage to hold this position for whole 1 minute, you’ll be able to get toned abs too! Do the asana as below:

4. Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)

This pose allows you to stretch your upper body backward, which helps in toning the abdominal muscles. Follow the sequence below:

5. Kumbhakasana (Plank)

One of the simplest and basic ways to reduce belly fat is performing a plank for 15-20 seconds of 5 rounds each. It tones your belly, arms, shoulders, back, buttock and thighs. Consider following the steps below:

TIP: Don’t perform this posture if you have back pain issues or high blood pressure.

6. Pavanamukthasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)

This pose regulates acid levels in the stomach, relieves lower back pain, improves metabolism and tones abdomen muscles, thighs, and hips. How to do this asana:

Yoga is not easy, you should always keep in mind that not every pose is for everyone. Neither your should force yourself on doing some asana. Pregnant ladies, people with leg, back or neck injury or someone who has undergone surgery should avoid doing these yoga poses. If you feel discomfort, dizziness or extreme pain after doing any asana, please don’t continue and start walking and running instead to lose fat.

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