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What are the Health Benefits of Mauby Bark?

People often wonder- what are the health benefits of mauby bark? We tried our best to answer this interesting question!

The Colurbina arborescens tree, which is a native of the Caribbean islands (chiefly Barbados), is commonly known as the Mauby tree. A non-alcoholic beverage made from the bark or flowers of the tree is supposed to possess medicinal properties. It is a folk remedy for hundreds of years in these islands. Limited scientific studies have proved the presence of beneficial compounds in the bark.

You can make the beverage by boiling dry bark for up to an hour with other ingredients like orange peels, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, aniseeds, or vanilla. Dilution and sweetening are also done to make it palatable as the concentrate that is obtained is bitter. Sometimes, the locals prefer a fermented variety of drink, which has increased alcoholic content. Mauby beverage is now available commercially as a syrup all over the world and is also available online. Drink it icy cold to enjoy its taste!

What are the Health Benefits of Mauby Bark:

The drink has a cooling and relaxing effect on the body and is a great thirst quencher. A study carried out by Kwame Amin in New York proved that the bark lower high blood pressure, as the folk medicine practitioners claimed.

  1. It helps stabilize your blood sugar levels.
  2. Polyphenols present in the bark act as antioxidants protecting your body from chronic illnesses.
  3. Has an aphrodisiacal effect.
  4. Anthocyanins and flavonoids in the bark have an anti-inflammatory effect, making it helpful in treating/preventing diseases like arthritis and asthma.
  5. Isoflavones are present in high concentrations and may help prevent breast cancer.
  6. It is effective in combating diarrhea and dysentery.
  7. It is also helpful in preventing Alzheimer’s.
  8. Saponins in the bark help lower your cholesterol levels.
  9. It acts as a diuretic and helps detoxify your body.

Make your own mauby bark drink at home:

Side effects of mauby bark:

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