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Ways To Boost Metabolism Without Exercise | 6 Easy Ways To Lose Fat In A Week

Ways To Boost Metabolism Without Exercise are much rarer but we have got your back! Try these 6 easy ways to lose fat in a week.

Metabolism is the process responsible behind all your movements, your thought process, and how you grow. However, the word metabolism is often used interchangeably with metabolic rate or the number of calories you burn. While there is less number of ways to boost metabolism without exercise, these daily habits can change your lifestyle completely!

The higher it is, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off. It also keeps you active and high in energy and helps to Burn Fat.

Here are 6 easy ways to boost metabolism without exercise and burn fat!

1. Eat Plenty of protein at Every Meal

Eating food containing high protein such as vegetables and nutrient-rich fruits causes the most significant rise in the thermal effect of food. It increases your metabolic rate by 15% -30%.

2. Move around more

If your routine is all about sitting on a desk throughout the day, try to grasp the opportunity of walking as much as possible. Avoid lifts and other leisure and bring in some noticeable changes in your lifestyle to get better results. Instead of coffee runs go for walks; even stretching and fidgeting can help burn more calories and coax your metabolism along.

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3. Don’t go too low in calories or carbs

Diets low in carbs or total calories may be helpful in losing body fat, but they come at a metabolic cost. Over time, your body catches on to the fact that you’re restricting energy and decreases the production of certain hormones as a result, causing you to burn fewer calories.

4. Use cheat meals strategically

Bodybuilders have known this for years that strategically placed ‘cheat meals’ can help prevent the metabolic slowdown mentioned in the previous point. One meal every five to seven days that contains as many carbs and calories as required by your body can work. Just make sure not to make a habit of cheat meals every now and then.

5. Load up on water

Chronic dehydration has been associated with a suppressed metabolic rate. Raise your water intake to at least eight-ounce glasses a day of fresh water. The water you consume in coffee or tea counts too, but make sure you get in the eight glasses of plain water.

6. Get Quality Sleep

Quality sleep can be a huge factor when it comes to metabolism. When you sleep, your body rests and repairs itself. Maintain proper sleeping habits by getting to bed at the same time each night, and creating a dark, comfortable atmosphere in your bedroom.

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