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Laser Belly Fat Removal Side-Effects

Belly fat can be cosmetically unpleasing but is laser removal a good solution? Here are laser belly fat removal side-effects for your information.

What is Belly Fat?

Belly fat refers to the fat in and around your abdomen. Some of the fat sits right under your skin and is known as subcutaneous fat, while some fat lies much deeper inside, around your lungs, heart, liver, and other organs. This fat is known as visceral fat, and it can cause hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancers.

Obesity is having a waist circumference above 35 inches for women and above 40 inches for men. Obesity and especially belly fat not only affect your appearance but also lead to serious health conditions. Belly fat accumulation can be either hereditary or due to your lifestyle. Leading a
sedentary life, eating a high fat and carbohydrate diet, stress, lack of sleep, and exercise can contribute to excess belly fat.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Belly Fat

1. Exercise Regime

Natural methods to trim belly fat are the best and safest ones to follow.
Follow a strict exercise regimen. Brisk walking, jogging, or using gym equipment at least five times a week for half an hour daily helps trim the fat. Being active help, but to get rid of visceral fat, your exercise needs to be intense. Aerobic exercises and crunches are the most effective belly fat

2. Eating and Sleeping Habits

Eating more soluble fiber helps to keep you feeling full longer and thereby reduces hunger. It also increases your metabolic rate, which helps burn fat faster. Getting sufficient sleep of not less than 8 hours every night can help you lose belly fat.

Avoid trans fats, sugar, and excess carbohydrates in your food. Cut down on refined and processed foods. Avoid drinking alcohol. Eat a high protein diet and eat fish that have high levels of omega 3 fats. The omega 3 fats reduce both liver and abdominal fat.

3. Cut Down Stress

Learning to remain stress-free is another effective method to keep fat away. Do meditation, yoga, and hang out with people you can relax with to keep the stresses of life from getting to you.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Include apple cider vinegar in your diet. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar added to a glass of water and consumed once daily reduces belly fat.

5. Intermittent Fasting

You can include green tea and probiotic foods in your diet as they are both effective fat burners. Intermittent fasting is the latest discovery to lower fat noticeably in a short time. Drink more water and reduce intake of salt.

What is Laser Belly Fat Removal?

The laser uses heat energy to puncture the fat cells in the treated area, causing them to deflate. They are then released into the interstitial fluid and flushed out by your lymphatic system.

Local anesthesia is used at the treatment site to keep the area numb and prevent you from feeling any pain. A small incision is made in the skin to allow the laser to enter. Treatment targets fat cells and do not affect the surrounding tissue.

Each session can last up to 30 minutes, and depending on the area to be treated; you may need more than 2 or 3 sessions per week. Certain kinds of medication are contraindicated before the treatment. Smoking also delays the recovery process.

Drinking plenty of water and avoiding caffeine and alcohol helps to flush out the dead fat cells faster. Recovery takes anywhere between 2 days to 10 days, depending on the size of the treated area. Results can be seen after the swelling subsides, and the treatment also tightens the skin in that area. The treatment is safer, less complicated, and cheaper than traditional liposuction.

In low-level laser therapy, there is no suctioning of fat cells and hence no risk of complications. It is less invasive, carries a reduced risk of scarring and the recovery time is two days compared to 10 days for traditional liposuction treatment. The removal of fat is permanent, and fat will not get redeposited in the treated area.

Who Should and Who Should Not Undergo This Procedure?

The ideal candidates for laser fat removal are those in good health, have an average weight for their height, have a regular exercise routine, follow a healthy diet, and have a few isolated pockets of removable fat.

If you are suffering from acute or infectious diseases, heart disease, or are going through pregnancy or a malignancy, you should not undergo this treatment.

Laser Belly Fat Removal Side-Effects

Side effects include bruising, pain, numbness, or tenderness at the site of the treatment. Scarring, infection, and irritation are other conditions that may result from the treatment. Sometimes fluid may build up under the incision site and cause a burning sensation. This may need to be drained by your doctor. The treatment results depend on having a good exercise routine and following a healthy diet both before and after the procedure.

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