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Is Jojoba Oil Good for Skin | Jojoba Oil Benefits for Skin

Switch to natural skincare routine swapping chemical products with Jojoba oil. Check out these benefits and uses of Jojoba oil for your skin.

Jojoba oil is a clear gold-color oil or liquid which is extracted from the seeds of the jojoba plant, and it has a nutty odor. Since ancient times people extract this oil to cure their skin problems and wounds. If you go for refined jojoba oil, it will be odorless and colorless. It has a good shelf-life in comparison to other vegetable oils because it contains triglycerides, which is usually absent in other oils like almond or coconut. It is widely used in natural cosmetic products.

Benefits of Jojoba Oil For Skin

1. Redness

All the redness resulting from lack of moisture in the face can be healed by jojoba oil. It also has Vitamin E and B complex that is highly needed for the skin to be healthy and wholesome. It is quite easy to use, just get some moisturizer on your palm and mix 2-3 drops of oil in it and apply it to your face. You can also add some other essential oils to it. Otherwise, you can also apply Jojoba oil directly to your face, too after diluting with a carrier oil like almond or coconut.

2. Blackheads and Breakouts

As it prevents bacterial growth, it helps in preventing blackheads and breakouts of acne too. Just take a few drops of jojoba oil and apply it to your face. Remember, before using it, wash your face with warm water. Leave the oil on your face for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.

3. Lips

For fresh and pulpy lips, jojoba oil is the best. You need to gently massage your lips with 2-3 drops of jojoba oil mixed in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil before sleeping to avoid eating or drinking anything after it. Continue doing it daily for healthy and rosy lips.

4. As A Sunscreen

Forget all those expensive sunscreens because jojoba oil is the best natural alternative to it and prevents all those sickening sunburns too. Vitamin E, along with other antioxidants, prevents your skin from sun damage, and jojoba oil has it all. Just apply a few drops (after diluting) to your skin before going out.

You can also make a DIY screenscreen with it at home.

5. Anti-Aging

It works as an anti-aging oil thinks to its moisturizing properties that prevent aging and thereby preventing wrinkles. Apply it all over your face after diluting with a carrier oil and leave it overnight, and it will act as an anti-aging serum.

It’s full of amino acids, which are the building blocks of collagen that work on reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improvements in skin texture, tone, and elasticity.

You can also use it with your night cream before going to bed. It is lighter than other essential oils; therefore, it deeply penetrates your skin and keeps it hydrated throughout the day.

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