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Does Too Much Sugar Cause Worms | Why Not Too Much Sugar

Most of us feel slightly guilty every time we consume sugar. It increases fat but does too much sugar cause worms? Read on to find out.

What is sugar?

Sugar is a form of carbohydrate that has a sweet taste. It is produced and processed from sugar cane plants. Natural sugars occur in most foods that contain carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products. These foods have other beneficial nutrients for your body, such as fiber, minerals, proteins, and antioxidants. Hence, including such wholesome foods in your diet is healthy. Your body digests whole foods slowly, thus providing a continuous supply of energy to your cells.
Added sugars are sugars that you add to food to enhance taste or increase shelf life. They are present in processed foods like tomato ketchup, jams, ready-to-eat cereals, baked foods such as cakes, cookies, bread, and sweetened dairy products like fruit yogurts and flavored milk. When you consume artificial sugar in excess, it can lead to a host of health problems that can have a lasting impact on the quality of your life

The recommended amount of sugar per day

The average American consumes about 17 teaspoons of sugar each day. The American Heart Association recommends 9 teaspoons(36g yielding 150 calories) of added sugar daily for men and 100 calories from added sugar for women. In 2015, the WHO advised 6 teaspoons a day or only 5% of daily calories from sugar.

Age-wise the following is the recommended amount of sugar per day:

4 to 6 years – 19g or 5 teaspoon
7 to 10 years – 24g or 6 teaspoons
11 years and above – 30g or 7 teaspoons

How does excess sugar affect health?

Added sugar has no nutritional value but can negatively impact overall health.

In the short term,
Long term effects,

Does too much sugar cause worms?

Sugar cannot cause worm infestation. Worm infestation happens when you ingest eggs of parasites from contaminated soil or water. Parasites use sugar as a source of energy, and it may fuel their growth.

Ways to limit intake of sugar

Avoid drinking soft drinks and sodas, and go for herbal teas, milk, and plain water to hydrate yourself. Eat smaller and fiber-rich meals at regular intervals to avoid sugar cravings. Read labels on all food items and look out for sugar additives or varied forms of sugar.

Alternatives to sugar

Plant-based sweeteners like Stevia obtained from a South American shrub, xylitol, and erythritol are sugar alcohols, monk fruit sweetener, yacon syrup, and natural sugars like maple syrup, molasses, coconut sugar extracted from coconut palm sap, and honey are all good alternatives to sugar. Doctors still advise that sugar taken in moderation might help with your health.

Sugars can therefore be part of our daily diet but only in limited quantities.

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