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Does Dry Skin Cause Acne | Dry Skin and Acne

Know whether does dry skin cause acne and what are the main causes of acne to develop on the skin! Keep reading for more.

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles on the skin get clogged. Hair follicles are a part of the pilosebaceous unit. The pilosebaceous unit consists of hair, hair follicle, arrector pili muscles that produce goosebumps, and a sebaceous gland that secretes oily sebum to lubricate the hair and skin. The usual suspects blocking the follicle are oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells.

The Main Factors that Cause Acne

1. Hormones

Fluctuations during the menstrual cycle and puberty can shoot acne development on the skin. The elevation of androgens (sex hormones) enlarges the sebaceous glands and increases sebum.

2. Genes

A strong inherited link between genes and the appearance and severity of acne has been identified.

3. Infection

Any type of skin infection can give rise to acne breakouts and degrade the quality of your skin simultaneously.

4. Diet

High Glycemic-load foods can also be an underlying reason for acne. Carbohydrate dense and highly insulin-triggering are also acne-promoting.

5. Other Factors

Stress increases the severity of acne. Besides certain medications/drugs like corticosteroids, lithium, testosterone, etc. can develop acne.

Acne is found in areas with a concentration of sebaceous glands like the face, forehead, upper back, shoulders, and chest. It can be seen as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, papules, nodules, or Cystic lesions.

Does Dry Skin Cause Acne

Compared to oily skin, dry skin may not be an obvious culprit causing acne. The relationship between acne and dry skin is complex and may be reciprocal. Dryness triggers an increased production of sebum that can clog hair follicles to cause acne.

Skin irritation and dryness disrupt the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis that serves as the primary barrier between the body and the environment. This causes Trans-epidermal Water Loss (TEWL), producing inflammation and thus promoting acne.

Moisturizers are integral in any skincare routine, especially while tackling dry skin, but certain ingredients that improve skin moisture tend to clog pores. Such ingredients could be mineral oils, silicones like dimethicone, petrolatum, etc.

Conversely, the most popular topical acne therapies like benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, salicylic acid, and antibiotics have the adverse effect of irritating and drying the skin.

Dermatologists can help you find the right combination of ingredients/products to fight acne and dry skin without exacerbating either condition.

Moisturizers hydrate skin and form a protective seal to fight Trans-Epidermal Water Loss [TEWL].

The Right Products

1. Read the Label

Select a non-comedogenic product that doesn’t clog pores. Avoid unnecessary or potentially irritating ingredients like added colors, artificial perfumes, and alcohol. On the other hand, moisture-boosters like ceramide and hyaluronic acid restore the skin’s natural barrier and prevent drying.

2. Thick Consistency

A moisturizer with a thicker ointment consistency works better than lightweight cream or lotion to hydrate and lock in moisture.

3. Seasonal Changes

In winter, adapting between cold outdoor environments and warm/heated indoor spaces can be challenging for skin; a drop in humidity and dry winds can cause further skin dryness. Use a nourishing toner, hydrating face masks, and serums to replenish moisture. Lastly, never forget sunscreen even in winter.

After washing your face, apply moisturizer on the skin while it is still damp. Dab the product all over the face and gently massage it.

Home Remedies for Acne

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