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Clove and Flaxseed for Parasites | Remedy for Parasites

Know the usefulness of clove and flaxseed for parasites and how you may use them as a home remedy for the microorganisms.

What are Parasites?

Parasites are microorganisms that reside in the body and feed off of their resources. Intestinal parasites, as the name indicates live in the intestines of humans and other mammals. They’re primarily protozoa or worms that enter the body through contaminated drinks and food. Children are mainly affected, but people of all age groups are prone to contracting these parasites when exposed to non-sanitary conditions.

According to WHO, intestinal parasites have affected more than three billion around the world. The parasites existing in our bodies drain our energy. To compensate, the body needs something sweet because glucose found in sweets provides an instant energy source but causes a build-up of mucus and creates the perfect environment for parasites.

Common Symptoms

Other common symptoms include itching of the nose, around the eyes, or in the anal region, persistent headache, Acne, muscle cramps, and numbness of hands and feet.

Clove and Flaxseed for Parasites

A simple home remedy that requires only two ingredients, such as Clove and Flaxseed, helps eliminate intestinal parasites naturally.

Benefits of Cloves

This wonder spice is easily found in all our kitchens. It helps to cleanse your body.

1. Cardiac Health

Cloves are also used to treat cardiac and circulatory problems since it contains a substance called eugenol, which prevents blood clots.

2. Nutrients

It comprises beneficial nutrients like Vitamin B, Vitamin K, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Properties

Cloves have natural analgesic, antispasmodic, and antibacterial properties.

4. Infections

They are also used to treat Diarrhoea, Cholera, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Fungal, and Bacterial infections.

Benefits of Flax Seeds

1. Superfood

Flax seeds are considered a superfood since they are rich in various nutrients, promoting normal digestive function.

2. Constituents

Flax seeds are a rich source of dietary fiber, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. The ingredient is effective for weight loss.

3. Toxins

They also help in the elimination of stored toxins from the colon. These seeds also help clean the intestines by supporting the good bacteria present in your digestive tract.

How to Use Clove and Flaxseed for Parasites


  1. 1 tablespoon of cloves
  2. 10 tablespoons of flax seeds



You can significantly reduce your risk of getting an intestinal parasite by taking the following precautions.

Personal Hygiene

Pet care

Take Home

Make sure you consult a health care professional if you think you have a parasitic infection. It’s better to treat it at the earliest to minimize the spread of disease.

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