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Best Anti Hair Fall Mask For Winters’ Dryness

Best anti hairfall mask

It’s common to lose hairs in harsh winter conditions, so here’s the best anti-hair fall mask for winters to stop breakage and strengthen hair!

Our hair starts shedding drastically when they are exposed to harsh climatic conditions, especially during wintertime. The dry air outside absorbs all the moisture from our scalp. Making it dry and irritated due to the loss of natural oils, which ultimately leads to hair shedding. Heating tools such as straighteners, curlers, hair driers should be avoided in this season; they can worsen the situation. Dry scalp can lead to dandruff, which leads to more hair fall. Thin hair is usually prone to breakage. Using warm water for hair wash is another reason for hair fall; however, you should wash your hair with lukewarm water at the starting of your shampoo session. This ensures all the pores to open up and clean any dirt and debris from the pores. The following session should be done with cold water.

Oiling your hair at regular intervals can bring back the shine and softness. But that as well stops showing effect after a few days because your hair then starts to lose the moisture due to extreme dryness.  To lock the moisture in your hair for a more extended period, you will have to make a hair pack with all the natural and hydrating ingredients. Here is a DIY hair pack to bring back moisture and to retain it for longer. Regular use of this hair pack can make the hair soft and thick.

Best Anti-Hair Fall Mask

You will need

  1. Shea butter two tablespoon
  2. Castor oil one tablespoon
  3. Herbal oil one tablespoon
  4. Apple cider vinegar one tablespoon
  5. Container

How to make

  1. Take two tablespoons of shea butter in a glass bowl. Use the double boiler method to melt the shea butter.
  2. Mix the shea butter by adding one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
  3. Add one tablespoon of herbal oil to melted shea butter. You can use almond oil or essential oil in this step.
  4. Now add one tablespoon of castor oil to it.
  5. You can also use some lavender oil or eucalyptus oil for fragrance. This step is entirely optional.
  6. Stir all the ingredients well to have a creamy consistency.
  7. Store this hair pack in a container.

How to use

  1. First, apply it on the scalp. Let your roots absorb this pack.
  2. After applying it all over the scalp, start applying it to the length of your hair.
  3. Move towards the tip and cover all your hair.
  4. When all the hair from root to tip is covered, gently massage your hair in a circular motion.
  5. Take a hair wrap, dip it in warm water, squeeze and wrap it around your head.
  6. Keep the hair wrapped for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  7. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  8. You can use this pack once in two weeks. Microwave it for 1 min before using it.

Why it works

1. Shea Butter

Shea butter contains fatty acids that work as a conditioner for your hair. It repairs the damaged hair by treating the split ends and nourishing the strands prone to breakage. In other words, it strengths the hair by providing the required moisture in winter. It can accelerate the growth of the hair by helping to rejuvenate the follicles.

2. Castor Oil

Castor oil helps in getting rid of dandruff and hence, decreases the hair fall. It works as a moisturizer for your hair and reduces the dryness in the scalp. By using this oil, once, you can make the hair thicker and stronger. It stimulates the follicles of hair and thereby increases hair growth.

3. Almond Oil

A few drops of almond oil can add shine to the hair by making it silky and soft. Vitamin E present in the oil can nourish your hair and helps in treating scalp infection and inflammation.

4. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil has a unique aroma that will make your hair smell good and also improve the health condition of the hair by removing lice and outbreaks caused by head lice. It also helps in the relaxation of the body.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar reduces the pH of the hair and brings the life back in the hair. Furthermore, it makes the hair silkier and softer. Above all, it removes the dust from the scalp. If you wish to use it separately, remember always to dilute it with equal parts of water to reduce its acidic constituent. Massaging in a circular motion can generate heat that helps the hair in absorbing the moisture and retaining it. Also, it will relax your mind and give relief from stress and anxiety.

This homemade hair pack is a natural treatment that can bring your hair back in balance. In winter, it is necessary to keep your body hydrated. Use good quality shampoo so that it does not dry your hair and keep your hair away from pollution as the dust will contribute to dandruff and damage your hair even more. For healthy hair, you have to trim your hair once in 3 months, and in winters, it’s good to cut your hair once in two months so that you get rid of unwanted split ends and damaged hair. Follow this best anti hair fall mask as a weekly hair care routine for the best results.

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