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8 Simple Hacks That Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger Naturally!

Aging is a natural and inevitable process. But you can beat it by following these 8 simple hacks that will make you look 10 years younger naturally!

You just simply can’t run away from aging, hence you should embrace it like a teacher in your life. With aging, we start to look at life with a new perspective. All that’s fine, but worst of them all is the skin aging. It makes us look, unattractive, dull, wrinkled and yes – old!

We present you these 8 Simple Hacks That Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger Naturally!

1. Avoid Sun

Sun is the best source of Vitamin D and is great but not for your skin. Sun-related damage results in early wrinkles, dark spots, and too much exposure can even cause skin cancer. Then how can you take the required Vitamin D from the sun? There is a hack to it also- Sit in sun in the early morning which is considered to be the best and turn your face opposite to the sun. Make sure your back is facing the sun, no direct skin or face contact with the sun.

Always carry SPF 30 or higher sunscreen with you. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen before going out even if it’s humid or chilly.

Quick Fact: Sun exposure is the No. 1 reason for early signs of aging in the skin, uneven skin tone and redness.

2. Avoid heavy foundation

Our skin has rough patches and fine lines. When we apply heavy foundation on our skin, it gets settled into these patches. You should avoid using heavy foundation instead use a tinted moisturizer and avoid anything with a powder base. Use a good transparent moisturizing foundation.

3. Don’t use powder

The facial powder makes your skin look dry and gets settled in the wrinkles and fine lines resulting in more visible fine lines and wrinkle. Avoid powder unless you have oily skin.

4. Moisturize your skin

Moisturize your skin on a regular basis will make it look really young. Our skin is elastic and dewy in nature but when we get older it starts to dry out, it becomes really important that you moisturize your skin to look younger. A quick hack- It’s better to apply moisturizer on your skin when it’s already damp like after a steamy shower.

5. Pay attention to your hands

After your face and clothing, hands are the next things noticed by others. So it’s important to take good care of them. Strong chemicals particularly dishwashing agents can take away the protective lipid barrier on your skin making it prone to irritation, dryness and other skin related problems. Always wear gloves while washing dishes and keep your hands moisturized.

6. Keep a smile on your face- look younger even at age 40

Smiling keeps your face muscles in proper condition. Aging skin is so much better looking when it’s smiling. Smiling face tricks the brain into thinking the other person as friendly and thus beautiful. Smile also keep the stress level to a minimum and thus keeping you away from tension which is indeed very bad for the skin. Keep smiling if you want your face to be younger.

7. Pump up your eyelashes

Curl your eyelashes using an eyelash curler. It will make them look larger and brighter, making them even more beautiful than ever. By using this trick you can look younger even at the age of 40 or 50.

8. Sleep on Satin

Silk is the nearest thing to human skin known to man. It contains natural protein and 18 essential amino acids. Amino acids are known to counter the effects of aging, especially for facial skin. Silk also contains natural cellular albumen, which helps speed up the metabolism of skin cells — thus helping to reduce signs of aging.

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