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8 Impressive Benefits of Eating Dried Figs in Olive Oil

Learn about the impactful benefits of eating dried figs in olive oil and start including it in your daily diet to reap the maximum benefits!

Image Credit: Figy

The modern world is rediscovering the efficacy of old folk remedies. These remedies are natural, safe, and effective in contributing to your overall health, minus the adverse side effects of synthetic drugs.
Figs are fruits that originate in Greece and Afghanistan. The fruit is seasonal and has juicy flesh covered with smooth skin. A medicinal formulation of figs in olive oil dates back to the Sumerian civilization, where it was used for specific health problems and an overall feeling of well being. The bedouins ate it to keep their bodies cool in the intense desert heat. The concoction finds mention in the Holy Quran too.

A team of Japanese researchers found that combining figs and olive oil made a protein named metallothionein, potent in promoting metabolism and maintaining overall health. The mixture is said to treat a host of medical conditions like digestion problems, hemorrhoids(piles), constipation, rheumatism, hyperlipidemia(high cholesterol), anemia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, cold, and infertility.

A study published in FACETS by Fathy, Bashandy, and others on rats fed with a mixture of figs and olive oil found that olives and figs’ antioxidant activity creates an effective defense system against free radical attack.

Benefits of Eating Dried Figs in Olive Oil

1. Calcium Source

Figs contain large amounts of calcium, which is necessary for strong bones and healthy teeth. It is a good source of calcium for those who are allergic to dairy products.

2. Digestion Related Benefits

The fruit is fiber-rich, which makes it an excellent remedy for constipation. It also promotes the growth of good gut bacteria and eases digestion.

3. Alzheimer’s

A study by N.A.Alharthy & A.E.Bawazir of the Jeddah university on male albino rats found that the mixture of figs and olive oil effectively treated memory loss and improved cognitive abilities. This shows that this mixture can be an effective remedy for neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s in humans.

4. Heart Health

The fruit has soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels in your blood. It has phenols, omega 3, and omega 6 fatty acids, which protect your heart from diseases. There is a high level of mono-saturated fatty acid present in extra virgin olive oil that reduces the risk of heart disease. The fruit helps treat kidney stones and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Tryptophan in figs helps fight insomnia.

5. Weight Loss

Fig and olive oil are low in calories and the fiber in it gives a feeling of satiety, which aids weight loss. It contains potassium which is essential for blood pressure regulation.

6. Prevents Diseases

In addition, figs have antioxidants that can protect your body from damage due to free radicals, thereby lowering your risk of chronic illnesses. It is alkaline and helps balance ph levels in your blood, thus preventing diseases.

7. Vitamins and Minerals

Fig and olive oil have copper and vitamin B6 that promotes brain health and metabolism. The carotenoids and vitamin A content makes figs an excellent choice for healthy vision. Vitamins C, A, E, and minerals like magnesium in the ingredients are excellent for healthy hair.

8. Additional Benefits

How to Prepare Figs in Olive Oil Mixture

Image Credit: Dotseng

Side Effects:

  1. Figs can interfere with blood sugar levels during and after surgery. So, avoid consuming it if you are scheduled for any surgery.
  2. It can also interfere with blood-thinning medication as it contains vitamin K. If you are on blood thinners, consult your doctor before consuming this concoction.
  3. It can cause allergic reactions in some people. Moreover, avoid consuming it in excess as it can cause stomach troubles and diarrhea.
  4. Dried figs are higher in sugar and calories, so if you are watching your weight, avoid consuming it in excess.
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