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5 At Home Cracked Heel Remedy DIY Treatments

Try these at home cracked heel remedy ideas to get rid of dry skin around the heels, and make it softer even more!

The dry, cracked heels are a widespread condition during winters. People with sensitive skin are more prone to face this problem, while it can occur in any skin type. The skin around the rim of the heel gets dry, thick and cracked and may also bleed, in serious condition. Since it can be painful and uncomfortable, it’s important to treat it at the right time. As there are no oil glands present at the heel, it starts to lose moisture quickly. Some of the common causes of dry cracked heals are:

  1. Walking barefoot
  2. Pollution
  3. Obesity
  4. Fungal infection
  5. Excessive use of soap
  6. Vitamin deficiency

Just like other parts of our body, our toes need as much moisture and care to remain healthy and soft. As a counter, you can increase your water intake and include nuts, seafood, vegetable oil, and greeny leaf in your diet.  These can help you to resolve the problem of cracked heels by eliminating the root cause, dryness! Below are at home cracked heel remedy DIYs that you can try to cure a cracked heel quickly at home.

At Home Cracked Heel Remedy

1. Honey Glycerine Treatment

You will need

  1. Aloe vera gel
  2. Honey 1 tablespoon
  3. Glycerine 2 to 3 tablespoon
  4. Cotton bud

How to make

Mix one teaspoon of honey with three tablespoons of glycerine and form a thick paste

How to use

  1.  Before going to bed clean your feet and take a towel and pat dry your heels
  2. Apply aloe vera gel and gently moisturize your heel
  3. After applying aloe vera gel dries apply the honey and glycerine mixture with a cotton bud
  4. Place the cotton over your heel and cover your feet with socks
  5. Keep the sock overnight

Why it works

Aloe vera soothes the skin and is inflammatory, which makes it apt to keep the burning sensations in control. It removes the dead skin making the heel soft. Honey is a natural antiseptic, and its antibacterial properties help to get rid of dirt and dead skin. Glycerine accelerates the healing process and reduces the skin from further drying and locks the moisture into the skin. All these three ingredients are infamous for their moisturizing abilities, the perfect candidate to counter dryness!

2.  Banana And honey treatment

You will need

  1. Honey 4 to 5 tablespoon of
  2.  Ripe banana 1
  3. Almond oil one tablespoon

How to make

  1. In a tub of lukewarm water add 4 to 5 tablespoon of honey
  2. Smash the ripe banana in a bowl and add one tablespoon of almond oil

How to use

  1. Before going to bed, dip your feet in the tub containing honey
  2. Keep your feet in there for 10 minutes
  3. Use a soft scrub and gently scrub the dead skin around the heel
  4. Pat dry the heel with a dry towel
  5. Apply the mashed banana and almond oil mixture to the heel
  6. Place the cotton over the heel and wear a sock.
  7. Keep the sock all over the night, remove it in the morning

Why it works

Honey is a natural antiseptic; it smoothens the skin and nourishes the pores. Banana is a natural exfoliator, removes the dead skin, and naturally moisturizes the skin. It keeps the pores and skin hydrated for a more extended period.

3. Coconut oil, lemon, and sugar treatment

You will need

  1. Half sliced lemon
  2. Sugar  tablespoon
  3. Coconut oil two tablespoon

How to make

  1. Squeeze half sliced lemon in a tub of lukewarm water
  2. Make a scrub by mixing one tablespoon of coconut oil and one tablespoon of sugar

How to use

  1. Dip your feet in the lemon and lukewarm water
  2. Keep your feet in the tub for 10 to 15 minutes
  3. Scrub your heels with coconut and sugar mixture
  4. Remove all the dead skin
  5. Gently pat dry your surface with a dry towel
  6. Apply coconut oil over the heel and wear your socks

Why it works

Coconut oil does not clog the pores and contains fatty acids and vitamin E, which helps in healing the skin. Sugar, on the other hand, helps in exfoliating the skin and locking the moisture

4. Rice flour Scrub

You will need

  1. Ground rice flour 2 to 3 tablespoon
  2. Honey 1 tablespoon
  3. Vinegar 1 tablespoon
  4. Almond oil one tablespoon

How to make

  1. Add three tablespoon of rice flour, one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of vinegar and one tablespoon of almond oil and make a thick paste
  2. You can add aloe vera gel or vitamin E oil if your skin is dehydrated

How to use

  1. Soak your feet in lukewarm water for 10 to 15 minutes until your skin is soft
  2. Apply the rice scrub to your heel and gently scrub removing dry and dead skin
  3. Wash your feet
  4. Wear your socks

How it works

Rice flour improves the condition of the skin and tones it further. It soaks excess of oil and removes impurities radiating the skin. Vinegar treats dry skin and restores the pH level of the skin and helps in unclogging clogged pores. Almond oil heals the chapped and irritated skin and also improves the texture of the skin.

5. Baking soda treatment

You will need

  1. Baking soda two tablespoon
  2. Lukewarm water
  3. Coconut oil one tablespoon
  4. Aloe vera gel two tablespoon
  5. Pumice stone

How to make

  1. Add two tablespoon of baking soda to a tub of lukewarm water
  2. Mix  2 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and two tablespoons of coconut oil to form a paste

How to use

  1. Soak your feet in the tub for 10 to 15 minutes
  2. Scrub gently with pumice stone and remove the dead skin around the heel
  3. Pat dry your skin with a dry towel
  4. Apply the aloe vera gel and coconut paste on your heel and wear socks.

Along with all these at home cracked heel remedy DIY recipes, it’s essential to maintain personal hygiene. Washing your feet every day and keeping them clean and wearing footwear or room slipper throughout the day. To avoid this condition to become persistent,  keep your feet away from dirt and other debris. Apply moisturizer twice a day, do not allow the skin around the heel to get dry.

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